The exact date for the conference will be announced shortly, as the venue arrangements are currently being finalized.
First name (required)
Last name (required)
Email (required)
Langauge (required)
—Please choose an option—EnglishGermanItalianPolishSpanishRussianRomanianPortugueseCroatianCzechDutchFrenchUkrainian
Type of participation (required)
—Please choose an option—Religious leaderPastor / PriestElder / Other MinisterSpeakerTheologistGuestOther
Church name
Referred by branch office
Other / NoneBerlinEssenFrankfurt
Additional guests
Allergies or dietary needs
Further special needs or requests
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For participation in the conference, we kindly ask for a donation of €30 per person. If you bring an additional person (pastor, leader, etc.), the contribution is reduced to €15 per person. Please confirm that you have read and understood this information: I understand the notice about the donation to costs and the discount for accompanying persons and agree.
I would like to be informed about Global Pastor Conference activities and events via email.
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